What is Coaching?
Coaching is the process of an individual or group support to develop the professional and personal worker. The main element of coaching is regular meetings with the person who benefits from coaching, during which targets for implementation are set, performance tasks defined, progress monitored and problems resolved. The coach gives feedback to the employee about his behaviour, appreciates the progress and develop skills. The essence of coaching is that the resposibility for the development and control of the process belongs to the emloyee- he voluntarily enters into coaching (and decides himself about resigning, defines goals and has a decisive say in the selection of areas of coaching.
Organization of coaching meetings:
Organization of coaching meetings:
It is set up to deal with such problems as: problems in relationships, work environment, management of a team and in leadership. It is used in the change management programme for shift leaders' groups as a part of the program for those with the highest potential in the organization ("talent management program") and as a development program for middle managers and highly qualified specialists.
The objectives of group coaching:
The organization of group coaching:
Zagłoby 11 Street
35-304 Rzeszow