Group coaching for individual and groups for business and companies


What is Coaching?

Coaching is the process of an individual or group support to develop the professional and personal worker. The main element of coaching is regular meetings with the person who benefits from coaching, during which targets for implementation are set, performance tasks defined, progress monitored and problems resolved. The coach gives feedback to the employee about his behaviour, appreciates the progress and develop skills. The essence of coaching is that the resposibility for the development and control of the process belongs to the emloyee- he voluntarily enters into coaching (and decides himself about resigning, defines goals and has a decisive say in the selection of areas of coaching.


You are standing at the head of the company or a large team. There are many tasks before you and a lot of responsibility. All decisions are taken by yourself. These are your everyday problems. You have to solve them immediately. We can support you on this path. What are the benefits of managerial coaching to you?





Organization of coaching meetings:

  • Calmness will embrace the managers' position and deploy into the new workplace
  • You will have a greater determination to realize tasks, that are set for you
  • You will achieve an attitude of the leader
  • You will build confidence in the workplace and in relationships with superiors, colleagues and customers
  • You will effectively have an impact on teams in which you live and work
  • You will improve the communication in your team and company
  • You will gain more space for living and get more satisfaction from it
  • Learn to accept life such as it is


  • Change the job
  • Embracing new posts
  • Enter the brand on the market
  • Motivating employees and / or teams
  • The realization of high-ranking targets
  • Achieving better results in some area of activity
  • Conducting company through big changes
  • Releasing large groups of workers
  • Taking difficult decisions
  • Dealing with stress
  • Management of your energy, emotions, finding the balance between work and family life.

Organization of coaching meetings:

  • Coaching meetings take place every 2 - 4 weeks
  • The time required for one meeting is 90 minutes
  • During the first meeting with the manager the coach sets the objective of coaching and the number of meetings
  • To enter a permanent change in behavior you will need about 6-10 meetings during six months


A coaching group is focused on developing the skills of a team or a group of managers and/or specialists, taking into account the individual objectives of development of each participant


It is set up to deal with such problems as: problems in relationships, work environment, management of a team and in leadership. It is used in the change management programme for shift leaders' groups as a part of the program for those with the highest potential in the organization ("talent management program") and as a development program for middle managers and highly qualified specialists.

The objectives of group coaching:

  • Thinking about the company as a system.
  • Strategic thinking.
  • Integration of the participants in a team.
  • Improving cooperation and communication.
  • Construction of openness for changes.
  • The joint addressing of problems.
  • Management of conflicts

The organization of group coaching:

  • During the group coaching the individual and group objectives are realized
  • There are averagely 6 meetings with the coach, lasting 4 hours each
  • During the session there are business simulation situations. Each of these exercises is analyzed and discussed with the participants in the forum of the group.



Business Development Manager
tel: +48 500 026 500



Zagłoby 11 Street
35-304 Rzeszow

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